tisdag, maj 12, 2009

Eurovision Song Contest 2009, Malta

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What if we - Chiara
Chiara har ju en stigande ESC-form men borde inte vinna i år.
Opersonlig disneytjafsballad. Oj, hon känns oväntat osäker på scenen, hade jag inte räknat med med den erfarenheten hon har av det här.
Fy så tråkigt det här var.

Free Dawit Isaak

5 kommentarer:

mossfolk sa...

Nejmen, haha, hon var ju en av de få som kunde sjunga!

Vonkis sa...

En av de bättre sångerskorna kanske, men det säger ju inte så mycket...

Anonym sa...

Sà skrikigt!


Vonkis sa...

Anonyma Miyala

Contemporary immigrant sa...

Was this woman about to explode? She could have a chat with Andrew Lyod Weber and join him in Beauty and the fat beast musical. How could not anyone help her to loose some kilos.She did not look healthy. I have nothing against fat people.We all do what we want with our bodies. And there are some ”big” beautiful people and some are not. Nobodys perfect. Like my english for example. We all have our weaknesses. But most of us try to do the best of it. I have learned that it´s important not to be affraid of them. This Malta woman just looked like she did nothing in her life but eat and sing of course. That´s why apart from beeing big, her voice was beautiful.